

JavaScript code

What is jQuery?.

jQuery is not a language, but a well written JavaScript code. Helps in making things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers with its cross-platform compatibility. Facilitates to write UI related function codes in minimum possible lines.

Maintained by License Type Popular Examples Support Updates Developer Skills
jQuery team. permissive MIT Microsoft and nokia api.jquery.com/jquery.support, https://jquery.com/browser-support/ Supported for at least one year beyond the next major version release. HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
Often Compared to Testing Accessibility Maintained by Repository
Javascript and Angular js Qunit for unit testing Built with an Automated A11y test infrastructure jQuery team. github.com/jquery/jquery

  • Highly flexible and allow users to add plug-ins. Takes care of cross-platform and cross-device issues with clean code that saves time.
  • Greatly supports, interacts well with other types of code, supports plug-ins and makes basic functions as easy as can be.
  • Enable commonly-used standards like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and AJAX to make it easier for developers to create a wide variety of apps without putting extra time and effort.
  • Slows down the operation of some tasks in jQuery compared to a naive plain JavaScript implementation.
  • Doesn’t support in accessing all features of the mobile device like other cross-platform mobile app development tools.