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Data visualization comapny-Intellectyx

Raj Joseph

What is data visualization and why it matters for your business?

Data visualization refers to the presentation of data in a graphical or pictorial format. It…
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web portal developmengt company

Lily Caroline

Portal Development

A web portal is different from a website. It is a specially designed website that…
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Custom web application

Lily Caroline

Web service

Web service integration has become a necessity today as they allow dynamic interaction with clients…
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Analytics in financial industry

Raj Joseph

Using Analytics to Fight Fraud in Finance Sector

Fraud in finance sector is a “real threat” that banks and other financial institutions are…
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Predictive analytics in retail

Shanmuga pragash

Customer Analytics Solutions in Retail, 2016

Retail industry is backed by customer analytics. It is considered to be the force that…
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How big data can improve manufacturing

Raj Joseph

Apache Hadoop, Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing

Manufacturing industry needs revolutionary methods to optimize operations, improve product quality at a reduced distribution…
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business intelligence
Shanmuga pragash

Shanmuga pragash - October 16, 2012

Choosing the Right Business Intelligence Consultancy

Are you looking for ways to consolidate your business’ multiple data sources to make them work more efficiently? Do you want to obtain a competitive advantage by analyzing large amounts of data of various types? Business intelligence consulting firms could be the answer for your needs, helping you uncover various hidden information relationships, as well…

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Lily Caroline

Lily Caroline - September 27, 2012

Pharma Financial KPI

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help Pharma  companies  highlight successes and identify program areas for continuous improvement, helping provide a picture of its  pharmaceutical benefit management operations. These are very critical components of any Pharma business intelligence platforms that needs to be deployed to help pharmaceutical companies know the  accurate, relevant information that can make the…

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Big Data in health care
Raj Joseph

Raj Joseph - September 14, 2012

Big Data in Healthcare – Transforming the Healthcare Paradigm

Using big data in healthcare – e.g. big data in hospitals, clinics, and EMR, – is inciting a transformation in the way that way doctors treat patients. Providing healthcare providers with access to a full medical history gives a complete picture of an individual’s life, rather than just focusing on the obvious symptoms or relying…

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Lily Caroline

Lily Caroline - September 6, 2012

Business Intelligence in Pharma

Pharma-clinical-trial-programs have resisted adopting BI due to its inability to satisfy regulations; including security, audit-trails and communication between companies. While not commonly seen in clinical trials, pharma companies have benefited from utilizing BI. For example, Astra Zeneca uses BI to generate immediate responses to report inquiries, while Roch’s Spain Division uses BI to generate and…

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open source business
Shanmuga pragash

Shanmuga pragash - August 29, 2012

Open Source Business Intelligence – Does it matter?

The top reason given for the use of open source business intelligence software is cost savings. The question is whether open source matters when it comes to license and support costs. How real are cost savings? How much does BI software and ongoing support actually cost? The answer is that open source does matter. At the…

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clinical data
Lily Caroline

Lily Caroline - February 8, 2012

Clinical Data Normalization

  Clinical data comes in all different forms and structures for the same piece of information. For example, age could be reported in years, or months or even in days. Without normalization i.e. converting disparate data into a single dataset view, it’s very hard to derive useful, meaningful clinical intelligence out of any medical data….

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Think big
Raj Joseph

Raj Joseph - September 20, 2011

Think Big and Think Possible

Having Business Intelligence goes beyond just graphs and charts. It can give a company key targets for presenting information that will help speed up the sales process or make crucial business decisions within tight time frames. Ask yourself 1) What do I need to know about my business that I don’t know already? 2) What…

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Lily Caroline

Lily Caroline - September 8, 2011

Establish Prominence with SEO

Every company today has a website, yet may not get many customers from it. A successful Website that increases revenues uses SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to keep the site highly visible to new prospects and to target larger audience. Intellectyx SEO solutions can increase prominence of your Website by: Technical advice on Website development. Keyword…

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open source business
Raj Joseph

Raj Joseph - September 6, 2011

Open Source Business Intelligence Products with Enterprise Features

Open source does not always equal free software. In some cases it is, but you will get what you pay for: just certain components rather than entire suites, or products and suites that lack the functionality required for large enterprise operations. So its important to understand and compare the enterprise suite functionalities that is available…

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