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Conversion of Flash to HTML5/JS/CSS

Create HTML5 Canvas documents in Animate CC

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    Content is king online! Hence, it needs a royal treatment.  Content, not only needs to be appealing and pertinent but presentable too.  Earlier, flash technology was good enough to make a content look appealing. But now, with the changing customer needs and technological advancement, flash is somehow becoming old and obsolete. It is no more a dominant technology! Various IT giants like Adobe are emphasizing on better and advanced web technologies like HTML5. But doesn’t mean that flash is dead, it still has a long way to go before its gets buried. Declaring flash dead is premature!

    To match with the changing technological environment, especially the world of smart phones, we need to adapt the latest and more flexible technology like HTML5. HTML5 is the latest version of HTML that works across all browsers and devices. Not only the users but the developers are also having a great experience using this technology. This technology offers great ease of porting your content and graphics to various platforms and devices without disturbing the real form of data. Here is some commonly practiced Flash to HTML5 conversion services:

    Flash to HTML5/JS/CSS

    HTML5 is a handy technology that can be easily accessed from a range of devices. Layout is designed using CSS and interactive part is maintained through JavaScript. For e-learning content or simulation or flash based website, developers can re-write all of it in HTML5 and can extend the usage to mobile phones. Another important feature of HTML5 is that you can add it into an APP or even a SCORM or an e-PUB. Retain your original functionality and look-and-feel by using HTML5 with a benefit – portability.

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